Alhamdulillah Akreditasi Perpustakaan Pelita Ilmu SMA Negeri 1 Sampang Tanggal 20 Oktober 2020 Meskipun dengan sistem Virtual Mendapatkan Nilai A. Terima kasih kepada Kepala Sekolah , semua Tim dan seluruh warga SMA Negeri 1 Sampang yang telah membantu segala proses akreditasi mulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan dan hasil. Besar harapan kami semoga perpustakaan Pelita ilmu dapat menjadi sumber referensi mencari informasi untuk semua warga SMA Negeri 1 Sampang.

Profil Perpustakaan Pelita Ilmu SMA Negeri 1 Sampang



Comments (3)

  1. Pablo Villalpando
    24/05/2019 Reply

    SEO is always changing so leaving the strategy and tactics to Onum has more than paid for itself. We estimate ROI is over 10 to 1 – I can’t say enough about this team.

    • Pablo Villalpando
      15/07/2019 Reply

      Onum has been extremely consistent and reliable through our entire engagement. Our results speak for themselves.

  2. Pablo Villalpando
    12/08/2019 Reply

    It also gives you insights on your market’s behavior such as location, times of activity, frequency of searches, technologies used, product preferences, etc.

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